Everything you don´t learn in the lab

Goodbye academia? It has been a pleasure

Topic area
Career development

Online or in-house workshop

4-6 webinars of 2-2.5 h each = 2-3 workshop days

Target group
PhD students and postdocs


Have you enjoyed research and teaching in the past years, but now you think it is time to change? Or you are just fed up, but are aware that frustration alone will not lead to a smooth transition out of academia. Maybe you are not sure yet whether to stay in academia or not, but would like to learn more about other possibilities before making any decision? In this course, which has been specifically developed for PhD students and postdocs in the natural sciences, we will not only broaden your view about everything you can do with your qualification, but also give you practical tips on how to reach your personal goals.


In this course you´ll learn about:


Introspection: making plans based on a closer look at yourself

  • Your skills, interests and values
  • Idealism vs. pragmatism
  • Postdoc or not?
  • How to get on track? Changing professional directions


Academic career development

  • What are hiring committees looking for?
  • How can I tailor my profile for a successful academic career?


Career options within…

  • The private sector
  • The higher education system
  • Governmental institutions
  • Patent law
  • As freelancer
  • Consultancies… and many more!


Scoring a job

  • CVs and cover letters
  • Recruiters, job ads and open applications
  • Self-presentation and body language
  • Your elevator pitch
  • Legal aspects


Salary negotiations

  • When to negotiate?
  • What to negotiate for and how?
  • Hard vs. soft: do I trade-off relationship vs. results or is there a better way?



  • Expanding and keeping your network
  • Strategic networking
  • Networking for introverts
  • Social media

All participants receive a script of the course in PDF format for offline and future use so that they can work through the material offline as well as after the course. All eBooks on the learning platform are downloadable in pdf format.


This course combines the content of the workshops PhD, and next? Career options, skills and orientation for scientists and Job application and interview strategies for scientists. This course can be combined with Time- life- and career-management to give the integrated 3-4-day programme Career development. This seminar can be tailored to long-term postdocs, who failed to secure a professorship and face problems transitioning to the private sector. Special emphasis is given to re-writing your skill set and career options with that specific background.

Already interested to learn more about the workshop content? You might be interested in the articles My last day as postdoc or PhD stereotype

Course Flow Online Workshops

Day 1

Live Webinar

  • Kick off 
  • Strategy and introspection
  • Individual and group course work (online and offline)
Day 2

Live Webinar

  • Career options
  • Individual and group course work (online and offline
Day 3

Live Webinar

  • Skill development
  • Individual and group course work (online and offline)
Day 4

Live Webinar

  • Application documents
  • Individual and group course work (online and offline)
Day 5

Live Webinar

  • Job interviews
  • Individual and group course work (online and offline)
Day 6

Live Webinar

  • Salary and contract negotiations
  • Individual and group course work (online and offline)
Weeks 2-3
Individual written or oral feedback from the instructor
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