Everything you don´t learn in the lab

Leadership skills: How to row the boat

Topic area
(Self-) management

Online or in-house workshop

4-6 webinars of 2-2.5 h each = 2-3 workshop days

Philipp Gramlich 

Target group
Postdocs and junior group leaders


Leadership has changed- in parallel with our work environments. Flatter hierarchies, project work in a matrix structure and more rapid changes in assignments, locations and colleagues are but some of the new challenges we scientists face. Interpersonal skills become ever more critical when leading a team or a project: for motivation, conflict resolution or work delegation.


In this course you´ll learn about:


Situational leadership

  • Can we find a leadership style that addresses the heterogeneity of our team?
  • Who to delegate to in your diverse team and how?
  • Staff development


Hire for quality! Staff selection

  • How to get the best team and not just clones of yourself
  • Overcoming biases in staff selection and other work processes


Feedback and other one-on-ones

  • Giving and receiving critical feedback
  • Feedback in the international context: how (in-) direct can I be?


Conflict management

  • Prevent conflicts by your lab set-up: communication and practicalities
  • Deescalate and resolve conflicts by mediation and through fair negotiations
  • Escalate professionally if necessary

All participants receive a script of the course in PDF format for offline and future use so that they can work through the material offline as well as after the course. 


Interested in shorter formats about the workshop topics? The talk Hire only the best: de-bias your workplace will focus on the topic staff selection. 

Interested to read more about the workshop topic? The excellent book Lab dynamics will give you insight into the social interactions in a lab. 

We wrote an article in Nachrichten aus der Chemie about difficult decisions, one of the main challenges of any leader: Decide: If, then how

Course Flow Online Workshops

Day 1

Live Webinar

  • Kick-off
  • Situational leadership


  • Individual and group course work (online and offline)
Day 2

Live Webinar

  • Staff selection


  • Individual and group course work (online and offline)
Day 3

Live Webinar

  • Giving feedback and other one-on-ones


  • Individual and group course work (online and offline)
Day 4

Live Webinar

  • Conflict management


  • Individual and group course work (online and offline)
Weeks 2-3

Individual written or oral feedback from the instructor


Do you want to see a preview of the Online Workshop?

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