Everything you don´t learn in the lab

Social media for scientists - an added value or a waste of time?

Topic area
Science communication

Online or in-house talk

Karin Bodewits or Peter Kronenberg

Target group
PhD students and postdocs and group leaders


By now, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram are no longer new. For many scientists, social media platforms have become an integral tool for global networking, sharing research ideas, and job search. But, what is a good way for scientists to make the best use of these platforms?


In this interactive talk, we’ll look at the pros and cons of different social media platforms and will make the first steps towards brushing up your online profile.  

Which questions will we cover in this talk?

  • Why should I (not) go on social media?
  • Which platforms do your peers use and what do they (not) get out of it?
  • Different platforms for different purposes. Is there a platform that can serve your purpose?
  • How can you make an impressive and effective social media profile?
  • How to write a catchy post?


Do you want to see an example of a scientist who built up her own social media presence successfully? Then read the guest article My last day as a postdoc by Dr. Vera Chan, founder of PhDCoffeeTime. 

Do you want to dive deeper into this topic? Then you might be interested to read our article The internet doesn´t forget or our full workshop Navigating social media.

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