
It’s all just a work sample

Moral considerations are always deeply personal. Don’t push these aside, but ask yourself: Do your development perspectives and moral values fit with this employer?

Employers have-moral-values

Employers have moral values

Moral considerations are always deeply personal. Don’t push these aside, but ask yourself: Do your development perspectives and moral values fit with this employer?


Stress management for scientists

When stress becomes excessive, it can significantly disrupt work performance. Learning to cope with stress successfully is crucial for career progression and life satisfaction.


Small or large

In a workshop on the topic “Your path into industry,” we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of future employers. “More money, more jobs, more opportunities” is how Bertrand summarises the arguments for large companies.


The pitch email

“When you write to someone you don’t know yet, how do you do it so that you get the other side’s attention?” Consider the brevity of your introduction and the entire email as your work sample: will it be a time-waster to engage with you or a well-prepared, efficient interaction? Babblers mostly babble in both written and spoken form.

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