Everything you don´t learn in the lab

Tap that network! - Progress in your career

Topic area
Career development

Online or in-house talk

Karin Bodewits 

Target group
PhD students and postdocs 


If we tell scientists that most job openings are never being advertised but are passed by word in someone’s network, we see jaws drop. Often, PhD students and postdocs feel insecure about their network. They think their network is too small to help career progression.

During this talk, we’ll show you that your professional network is much larger than you think (and how to expand it if needed).

You’ll learn…

  • About the hidden job market
  • What networking is all about
  • Who is part of your network
  • How to tap your network

You will leave this talk with an extensive network!


Are you already curious about the topic before enjoying this talk? Read our career fable For career support, tap your network! It’s deeper than you realize in Science Careers.

If you´re interested in an entire workshop about how to network, then you might be interested in Self-presentation and networking.

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